Learning and Growing together

We aim to give our children the roots to GROW and the wings to fly
In 2017, through contribution from children, staff and parents, we developed our core values, known as our GROW values. These underpin life at Norris Bank, where we aim to ensure all children are taking responsibility for their behaviour and learning, while equipping them with the skills to be happy, successful young adults.

We aim to develop a wide range of skills which allows children to demonstrate their strengths and address areas for development with confidence. Children are encouraged to set challenges, aim high and be the best they can be.


We strive to develop children who have a sense of identity, equality and responsibility within the school community, their country and globally. We foster an appreciation, understanding and respect for all cultures, races and religions.


We aspire to develop reflective, independent learners, who can overcome obstacles and take responsibility for their learning and behaviour.

Working together

We encourage co-operation and the ability to work as a team in all spheres of school life and beyond. We aimed to build key skills such as listening, turn taking and sharing in order to allow children to collaborate with others, promote positive self-esteem and develop self-confidence.

How do we aim to achieve this?

Each week all children across the school participate in a circles lesson. This lesson allows the children to share their thoughts and feelings while working on developing a deep understanding of our GROW values or focusing on other important issues affecting the class.

Weekly certificates are given to children who have demonstrated an aspect of our GROW values, and the values are displayed around the school environment to help to remind our children.

Since September 2017, we have begun to cultivate a growth mindset with both staff and teachers. Children have developed an understanding of what a growth mindset is, how we can “grow” our brains and how such an approach links to our GROW values. Strategies within the classroom to promote our values include:

  • Positive language
  • Using talk partners
  • Co-constructed success criteria
  • Quality feedback (MAD time)
  • Reflection questions linked to marking
  • Peer/self-marking