Key Dates

Autumn Term 2024
Date Event
2nd September INSET day: School Closed
3rd September School Re-opens
3rd – 9th September  New Reception children and parent meetings
9th September Year 1-6 Meet the teacher meetings (details to follow)
16th September Year R Meet the teacher meetings (details to follow)
20th September PTA Family Quiz Night
30th September Year R Phonics meeting for parents
30th September Year 6 screening
1st October Black History Month
8th October Open day for Reception children due to start school in September 2025
11th October Individual photographs being taken
11th October Harvest fair after school
16th October PTA Halloween Discos
18th October Last day before we close for October half term
W/B 21st October School Closed for Half Term
28th October INSET day: School Closed
29th October School Re-opens
4th November Parent Teacher meetings
6th November Open day for Reception children due to start school in September 2025
7th November Parent Teacher meetings
11th November Anti-Bullying Week
15th November Children in Need day
18th November Open day for Reception children due to start school in September 2025
21st November Flu Vaccinations
22nd November Dress down day for chocolate tombola
25th & 26th November Whole school Savoy cinema trip dates TBC
29th November Dress down day for bottle tombola & PTA Christmas Fair after school
3rd December Reception Christmas performance to parents and carers
6th December Christmas Dinner and Christmas Jumper day
10th December Year 2 Christmas performance to parents and carers
17th December Year 3 & 4 Carol concert to parents and carers
18th & 19th December Children’s Christmas parties 
19th December Last day before we close for Christmas
20th December Closed for the Christmas Holidays 
Spring Term 2025
Date Event
2nd January INSET day: School Closed
3rd January INSET day: School Closed
6th January School Re-opens
W/B 3rd February Big Science Week
14th February Last day before we close for half term
W/B 17th February School closed for Half Term
24th February School Re-opens
3rd  March Parent Teacher Meetings
6th March Parent Teacher Meetings
10th -12th March Year 6 Residential to Robinwood
25th March Class and group Photos
31st March Year 3 Residential to Castleton
9th April PTA Easter Discos
11th April Last day before we close for Easter
W/B 14th April  Closed for the Easter Holidays
Summer Term 2025
Date Event
28th April School Re-opens
5th May Bank Holiday: School Closed
12th May Year 6 SATS week
19th May Year R-2 Book share session
20th  May Year 3-4 Book share session
21st May Year R and Year 5-6 Book share session
22nd  May Last day before we close for Whit holiday
23rd May INSET: School Closed
W/B 26th May Closed for the Whit holidays
9th June School Re-opens
W/B 9th June Year 4 Times Tables Check and Year 1 Phonics screen
13th June Dress down day for chocolate tombola
20th June Dress down day for bottle tombola & PTA Summer Fair after school
W/B 23rd  June Get Active Week
23rd  June New Year R Parents meeting for children starting school in Sept 25
25th June Sports day and family picnic
2nd to the 4th July Year 4 Residential to Northumberland
3rd  July Transition day for Year 6 children 
9th July Reserve date for sports date and family picnic
11th July Annual School Reports are sent home
14th to the 16th  July Year 5 Residential to Anglesey
18th July Year R Graduation Assembly for parents and carers
22nd July Year 6 Production to parents and carers
25th July Year 6 leavers assembly