Branching Out

Before and After School Childcare


At Norris Bank Primary School, we provide a Breakfast and After School Club every day during term time. If you would like to register your child/ren for a place, please read all of the information below carefully and then fill out the registration forms which are available on the school website in the Parents Section.

Completed registration forms should be returned to the school office; we will then contact you to confirm your place OR advise you that you are on our waiting list.

Unfortunately, children who have not registered will not be allowed to attend, this is for safeguarding and medical reasons. However, you can apply at anytime and we will try to accommodate your request.

When and where is Breakfast Club?

Breakfast Club runs Monday to Friday during term time, from 07:45am to 08:45am, the beginning of the school day. Drop off is at the school hall, hot and cold food is offered ‘buffet style’ until 08:30am.

This may include: cereal, fruit, yogurt, malt loaf or other prebaked items, toast, pancakes, bagels or crumpets.

How much does it cost?

£5.50 per session

When and where is After School Club?

After School Club also runs Monday to Friday term time. From 15.10pm to 17.45pm and is located in various classrooms and outdoor areas across the setting. KS1 & Reception children will be collected from their classroom by Branching Out team members. KS2 children assemble at the school hall.

A small snack is offered and varies, but may include: prebaked items such as croissants, crepes or brioche. Other items such as corn chips, cheddars or popcorn may also be offered. Flavoured rice cakes, fruit and milk is also usually available as an alternative.

Please phone 07923 462 035 on arrival to be directed to where your child/ren will be collected from.

How much does it cost?

£11.00: for sessions commencing immediately after the school day.

£6.00: for children attending a NBPS sports session, with Primary Sports Coaches (PSC), before attending Branching Out. Please ensure you inform the Sports coaches that they are attending Branching Out so they can bring your child to our location in the setting upon completion of their activity.  

Please note that for any late collections £6.00 is charged every 15 minutes after 5.45pm.

£4.00: for late bookings. For sessions booked on the parent/carers behalf after the booking window closes at 2pm the day before the session is required a late booking fee of £4.00 will be charged to each child requiring the additional session.

How do I secure a place?

Any child attending NBPS is eligible for a place at the After-School Club. Registration documents must be completed with places being offered at the school’s discretion. We will require full payment in advance; please note we are unable to make any exceptions to this.

How do I pay?

The school uses ParentPay for all transactions. Activated ParentPay accounts will enable access to the ‘Clubs’ feature where you can then reserve/plan (for calculation) sessions. These sessions will only be secured when you have deposited sufficient funds into the account. Parent Pay provide online tutorials for your support.

Bookings and cancellations are available up to 2.00pm on the day before the session commences. Funds from cancellations will remain in your account for future transactions/bookings.

If you choose to pay via HMRC or another Child Care Voucher provider, you will need to email evidence of payment 2 days before you are able to plan your sessions online.  Once we are in receipt of this it will be uploaded onto your account and your sessions can then be confirmed.

What will my child do at Branching Out?    

Breakfast sessions, children will have access to toys, drawing and colouring activities. In the hall, or outdoors when the weather permits, children will also have the opportunity to join in with traditional playground and ball games.  

After School your child will have the opportunity to take part in a variety of activities such as board & card games, arts & crafts and reading. Often, children will have the option to watch films or television. Older children may also have access to the computer suite. When the weather permits we will promote outdoor activities such as sports and playground games.  

Who will be running the Branching Out?

Mrs Stanley: Manager and Mrs Bardsley: Deputy Manager run Branching Out along with other experienced Norris Bank team members; Azra, Brian, Jacqui, Matt, Ruhanna and Stella.

Branching Out Rules and Expectations  

We want all children who attend Branching Out to have a positive experience. All children are expected to follow the school rules and ensure they inform a member of the team immediately if there are any problems.

Please note that places may be withdrawn if children do not follow these expectations and their choices affect the experience or safety of others at Branching Out.

Information for new parents – September 2024

New families joining our school community can access before and after school provision with Branching Out  when children are in full time attendance at school.

Please carefully read our registration documentation and follow the guidance detailed below to register and submit a booking for your child.

Once we have received your details, one of the team will contact you. If you have any queries, please email:


Please note: The registration forms and booking forms must be returned prior to your child’s attendance.


Club Times

Price per child

Siblings prices for 2nd/3rd child attending

Breakfast Club – From 7.45am to start of school day. 



After School Club – From end of school day to 5.45pm



Late Collection – every 15 minutes after 5.45pm



Late Booking- For sessions booked on the parent/carers behalf after the booking window closes at 2pm the day before the session is required a late booking fee of £4.00 will be charged to each child requiring the additional session.



Part session charge (only applies when your child attends an after school sports session at NBPS)