Inclusion and SEND
School SENCO – Tracy Burney
Contact Details:
School Information Report
Norris Bank Primary School is a highly inclusive school where we are all learning and growing together to create the best learning environment possible. Our School Information Report describes support and processes for pupils with SEN. This is described through our answers to a series of FAQs.
Select the link below for more information:
Inclusion and Special Educational Needs and Disabilities
Select the following links for more information:
- Norris Bank Inclusion and SEN Vision Statement
- Stockport Local SEND
- Stockport Co-production Charter
- Stockport Special Education Needs and Disabilities Strategy
- Stockport Entitlement Framework
Many parents have also heard that SEND children could, if applicable, apply for an Education Health Care plan known as an EHCP. Please click on the link below to have an overview of the process and timeframe.
Stockport has also released the following guidance for parent’s of children who suffer from school avoidance or anxiety which you may find useful.