Our Garden

Our garden now:

Since Spring 2022  a parent has been helping to develop our school garden. The focus has been on enhancing its use to support our curriculum as well as developing lunch time gardening clubs for our KS2 children. They have undertaken a range of activities such as planting and growing vegetables, creating wild life friendly habitats and also developing a selection of crafts made from natural materials.

History of our garden:

In 2010, a Norris Bank parent had the idea of turning a boring patch of grass at the front of the school into a showcase working school garden. The garden has become a source of pleasure for the whole community, as well as a place of learning. Children across the school are supported by our gardener  to further enhance our creative curriculum by learning how the garden can be used to make links with other subjects such as Art and Science. Children have made natural dyes from the plants to dye cloth as well as look at the lifecycles of both the plants and animals that live within it. The garden is also used to run interventions for all of our children to help with their emotional wellbeing. Each class every year is also responsible for growing something which can be used as part of our harvest fair in October. Children have made rosemary scented oil, lavender bags, grown carrots and leeks as well as made apple pies to sell to the school community to raise the money needed for the upkeep of the garden.

In addition, we have established strong links with Totally Local who provide our school meals and Jan our cook incorporates produce into the children’s lunches. This is a fantastic garden enjoyed by all!

In 2013, Norris Bank was awarded Level 5 of the Royal Horticultural Society Campaign for Schools Gardens. This is the highest level of award and indicates a real commitment to getting children and the local community gardening.