Year Group Information

Year R

Meet the teacher information for 2023 Year R

Yr R Learning Forecast Summer Term 1 of 2024

Yr R Learning Forecast Summer 2 of 2024

Reading and Phonics Information
Suggested phonics websites
Reading and phonics in Early Years

Year 1

Meet the teacher information for 2023 Year 1
Yr 1 Learning Forecast Summer Term 1 of 2024
Yr 1 Learning Forecast Summer Term 2 of 2024

Year 2

Meet the teacher information for 2023 Year 2
Yr 2 Learning Forecast Summer Term 1 of 2024
Yr 2 Learning Forecast Summer Term 2 of 2024

Year 3

Meet the teacher information for 2023 Year 3

Yr 3 Learning Forecast Summer Term 1 of 2024

Yr 3 Learning Forecast Summer Term 2 of 2024

Year 4

Meet the teacher information for 2023 Year 4

Yr 4 Learning Forecast Summer Term 1 of 2024

Yr 4 Learning Forecast Summer Term 2 of 2024


Year 5

Meet the teacher information for 2023 Year 5

Yr 5 Learning Forecast Summer Term 1 of 2024

Yr 5 Learning Forecast Summer Term 2 of 2024


Year 6

Meet the teacher information for 2023 Year 6
Yr 6 Learning Forecast Summer 1 of 2024
Yr 6 Learning Forecast Summer 2 of 2024